Forgiveness allows one to free the soul first, and later work with others in this blueprinting process. It works to release cell memory stored in the body from the past.
This simple technique is called Healing Hearts Forgives and Releases™. I would like to explain the process and show you how to do it. You see, I had a lot of anger, hurt and resentment, which I had to clear away, or I believe I would have died. My physical, emotional and mental bodies could not have remained intact with all the negative energies that had happened during my life at the time.
Now, if you'll get several pieces of paper (I use yellow legal pads), I will start showing you the process beginning with a cleansing that is fifty times more powerful than thoughts or spoken words, because it is written.
Your first list will be titled "Master List," and will be numbered one to ten.
You will quickly write, without giving much thought, anyone's name that comes to mind that you need to forgive. Do not analyze, do not block, or do not deny anyone's name that comes up. Just write them on your list as quickly as you can. If you didn't add your parents, you are not being truthful to yourself, and most likely your spouse and children will be added, too.
After you have completed your list of ten people, you have a Master List to start with and on the next sheet of paper you will begin:
Step I
As an example, write, "I forgive and release my mother for..." whatever hurts or pains you, that which you are still carrying today and are projecting toward your mother for causing. Write it down paying attention to your breath and where you’re hurting (this is where diseases starts), and don't spare any feelings.
Step II
Write, "I forgive and release myself for ... " for how you felt about the painful situation. Write it down. It is not complete until you have completed both steps. (Remember: Step II is as important as Step I.)
If for some reason, you don't list your mother and your father, you are not being honest with yourself. We all carry resentments from childhood, and the inner child needs this healing, even if your parents are deceased. Please do you spiritual homework.
The greatest source I know for healing this inner child and the adult self is writing Healing Heart Forgives and Releases™. Arguments or disagreements most likely have to do with the wounded child with us. When memories are surfacing or you are upset about something, ask yourself, “How old am I or how old do I feel?” This will bring up more memories about that time, and you can better identify your thoughts and emotions from that time. It is very powerful to ask the inner child to write the forgiveness without shame and guilt.
Step III
Take this sheet of paper that you are writing your forgives and releases on out of the pad. Tear it up, burn it, bury it, or put it in running water such as a river. You may (for a while) keep it to see exactly how much anger, resentments and/or hostilities you held, that you were unaware of. Writing Healing Hearts Forgives and Releases™ is a sure way to heal. Always remember to purify these thoughts and feelings as I have mentioned above.
Understanding the energy release when writing something down is very powerful. As we think a thought, we have a chance at that point to cancel that thought and not make it a part of our consciousness. Once we speak it into the world, we have increased its power tenfold. This will take a great deal of extra energy to stop the thought once it is spoken. That is why gossip is so difficult to stop, and is so interchangeable with other people's thoughts and desires ... as it creates sickness in the spirit of those gossiped about.
The energy of the written word is fifty times more powerful than your thoughts. Writing impresses the message on the consciousness and the unconsciousness by imprinting in the brain cells and releasing energy in the emotional intelligence of the body, as well.
I used this process for four years faithfully, every morning. For myself, I designed an hour meditation. I spent the first fifteen to twenty minutes, and sometimes thirty minutes, writing Healing Heart Forgives and Releases™. Whoever and whatever was disturbing my peace and weighing heavily on my mind got my attention that morning. This was spiritual house cleaning for my day.
I suggest that you do this process for 90 days before sharing it with another individual. Allow time each day (30 minutes to an hour) to go through the steps and then sit quietly and meditate on what you have written. I use part of this time to chant, allowing my mind to clear.
— Love and blessings,
Rev. Sally Perry